
Welcome to the “RAISE” Project

RAISE is an Erasmus Plus KA2 project promoting a tool for environment education – the 3D Virtual World Learning Environment (VWLE) – that will raise the Environmental Knowledge and Awareness (EK&A) in school students, contributing to sustainable futures. 


The climate change is real: global temperature is rising; the ocean is getting warmer; the ice sheets are shrinking; extreme events are increasing in frequency; sea level is rising; Artic Sea ice is declining; ocean acidification is increasing; among other phenomena
Faced with so much evidence, it is imperative to take concerted action with all countries to combat climate change. The European Education Area Communication, the European Green Deal and other key initiatives, recognise the crucial role of education and training for the green transition. Education for environmental and climate change issues empowers learners of all ages with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to address the interconnected global challenges we are facing.
The educational sector has a crucial role in the table where the policy decisions are made, and every European citizen along with social partners should actively work together to pause climate change and its consequences. In 2019, the 24% of the European citizens were believing that the most effective way to tackle environmental problems is through more educational programs. 


The project is relevant due to the growing need to spread environmental awareness and knowledge as expressed in the European Green Deal, where the role of education and training in the transition to more sustainable futures play a central role. This is reinforced by the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12, target 12.8: “By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the information and awareness relevant to sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature”. Additionally, as Europe has entered the energy transition, in the field of environmental and climate policies, citizens must feel included. Therefore, it is imperative that young people develop knowledge, awareness and, inevitably, attitudes and values, learn and exercise their responsibilities, at school and in the community, cultivating active citizenship.



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