
Project Summary

Through learning, students and learners of all ages can find solutions to challenges of today and the future. The 3D Virtual World Learning Environment”. will engage students/teachers, through transformative education to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to live more sustainably, change patterns of consumption and production, embrace healthier lifestyles and contribute – both individually and collectively – to the transformation of our societies.
Environmental education for sustainable futures could increasingly engage students in public life and participation, helping them to face socio-ecological crises caused by human activity.

The RAISE project aims to: Identify and compare the Environmental Knowledge and Awareness (EK&A) level in schools of partner countries; Develop a novel Virtual World Learning Environment (3D Virtual World Learning Environment".), as a teaching/learning tool Promote and raise EK&A in school students. In this way, the project aims to develop knowledge, awareness and, inevitably, attitudes and values among the school's students so that they learn and exercise their responsibilities both at school and in their community. This is crucial to create a sense of inclusion and it is necessary for the cultivation of active citizenship from an early age.
The RAISE project aims to promote an environmental education tool - the 3D Virtual World Learning Environment". - which will raise EK&A in school students, contributing to sustainable futures by:

  1. Identify the students' knowledge and environmental awareness which will allow the selection of possible game scenarios and the production of educational material that can be given during the game and that students and schools would most likely like to encounter in a 3D Virtual World Learning Environment (VWLE).

  2. Design and develop a novel 3D Virtual World Learning Environment (VWLE), as a teaching/learning tool, to promote EK&A in school students, based on students and educational contexts need. The visualisation of the complex themes of environment and climate change will be a valuable teaching tool that will: save time for explaining complex concepts and processes, ‘break’ the routine, enhance motivation for learning, and facilitate learning of more information.

  3. Analyse the feasibility and usability of the 3D VWLE.

  4. Analyse the efficacy of the 3D Virtual World Learning Environment". in fostering:
    To raise EK&A in school students.
    To help the students develop normative thinking competences
    To improve the ability to reflect on personal values;
    To recognise how values, vary among people and over time;
    To critically evaluate how personal values are aligned with sustainability values;
    To develop future-thinking competences to envision alternative sustainable futures.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
