
University of Patras

University of Patras was founded in the city of Patras in 1964 and it began functioning in the Academic year 1966-67. Since its early days, the major aim of the University of Patras has been the effective interaction with the European and International Environment. The University of Patras (UPAT) has a great number of research, teaching and training links that support opportunities of creating successful collaboration with Institutions and Research Centres around the world.

University of Maia

University of Maia – UMAIA was recognized as a higher education institution (HEI) on October 2, 1991. Since then, ISMAI has expanded its educational offering in the fields of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Business Sciences, Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Communication Sciences and Information Technologies, as well as its physical facilities and is now the 2nd largest private HEI in Portugal. Currently, UMAIA is a Portuguese university that seeks to develop research in the most varied subjects, with the aim of producing high quality scientific knowledge.

Arsakeio Lyceum

Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras is one of many schools which belong to the Society for the Promotion of Education and Learning (called Filekpedeftiki Etaireia) and they are situated in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patra, Ioannina and also Tirana (Albania). Filekpedeftiki Etaireia, founded in 1836 is a public non-profitable welfare foundation. It is the oldest educational foundation in Greece which through the years achieved to maintain its educational character following the main ideals since its foundation: the cultural provision to the Greek children.

Agrupamento de Escolas D. Afonso Sanches

D. Afonso Sanches school group is a publuc school group that comprises 7 schools, from pre-school to secondary school and it is located in Vila do Conde, Portugal. D. Afonso Sanches Secondary School offers both general secondary education courses (Sciences and Technology, Languages and Humanities, Arts, and Economics and a wide range of courses in vocational education (Sports, Beautician Services, Hairdresing, Cooking and Pastry, Restaurant/Bar Services, Tourism, Eletricity, Design, Sociocultural Animation, Information Technology). The work developed by this school group has been valued and recognised at national and european level with the attribution of the EQAVET (European Quality Assurance in Vocational and Education Training) Label.

Liceo “Manin”

Liceo “Manin” is a public school in the centre of Cremona, a medium-sized medieval town in the north of Italy. Students can choose between the secondary school (where they study mainly Ancient Greek, Latin, Italian, English, History) and the language school, where the main subjects are Modern Languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese). The school has also a tradition in teaching scientific subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, among other subjects. Extra activities include theatre, volleyball, football and others. It is well experienced in international school projects, as it has had a long partnership with schools in China, Australia and Greece.

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