
A nossa equipa

Universidade da Maia

Marta Mota

Marta Mota

Manuel Sa

Maria Manuel Sá

Agrupamento de Escolas D. Afonso Sanches

Cristina Soutinho

Cristina Soutinho

Maria Jose Costa

Maria José Costa

Odete Pinho

Odete Pinho

Arsakeio Lyceum of Patra


Anna Chalkidi

Nikos Giannakopoulos

Nikos Giannakopoulos

Olga Stavroulopoulou

Olga Stavroulopoulou


Manos Petrakis


Patroula Kafousia

University of Patras


Dimosthenis Minas

Marianna Stamati

Marianna Stamati


Michalis Xenos

Liceo Manin

Emilio giazzi

Emilio Giazzi

Paola Bergamaschi

Paola Bergamaschi

Daniela Capelli

Daniela Capelli

O apoio da Comissão Europeia à produção desta publicação não constitui uma aprovação do seu conteúdo, que reflecte apenas as opiniões dos autores, e a Comissão não pode ser responsabilizada por qualquer utilização que possa ser feita da informação nela contida.

Marta Maria Mota

Marta Maria Mota holds a PhD in Sustainable Energy Systems from the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto and a degree in Economics. Holds a position as an Assistant Professor in the Business Department of University of Maia, UMAIA. Currently, also coordinates the Renewable Energy degree from UMAIA. She is currently working in the area of business management, environment and society, sustainable development and renewable energies.

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Maria Manuel Sá

Maria Manuel Sá holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto. She is Associate Professor in Business Department of University of Maia, UMAIA. She is also president of Pedagogical Council of UMAIA. She has been working in the area of occupational hygiene and occupational risks and Statistics. In the last years she has been doing research in the field of sustainability, circular economy, carbon footprint and environment.

Cristina Soutinho

Cristina Soutinho, teacher of English and French at AEDAS, Vila do Conde (North of Portugal).

with a passion for Entrepreneurship Education, Project Management and Educational Programmes Development, skilled in Foreign Languages, Coaching, Leadership and Organisational Development.

Maria José Costa

Maria José Costa, Biology and Geology teacher at AEDAS, Vila do Conde (North of Portugal). She also teaches Natural Sciences and is the coordinator of Eco-Schools in the same group.

Odete Pinho

Odete Pinho, Vice director of the cluster of schools D. Afonso Sanches, Vila do Conde (North of Portugal), has taken part in various international projects, mainly in foreign languages learning and practice. Her areas of expertise are English and French as well as teacher training.

Anna Chalkidi
Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras

Anna Chalkidi has been teaching English in Arsakeia Schools of Patras since 2017. She graduated with Honors from the Department of the English Language and Literature from the National Kapodistrian University of Athens (2013) and obtained an MSc in Literature and Society: Enlightenment, Romanticism and Victorian from the University of Edinburgh (2014).  She has worked in Edinburgh in Marketing and PR. Since 2016 she has been working as an English language teacher. Her involvement in school allows her to participate in various MUN conferences in the capacity of MUN Advisor.

Nikos Giannakopoulos
Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras

Mr Nikolaos Giannakopoulos obtained his bachelor degree in Chemistry from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 2000 and his Master Degree in “Environmental Sciences” from the University of Patras in 2006. He has also obtained a Master Degree in “Educational Sciences” from the Open University of Patras in 2015.  He is teaching Chemistry for over of fifteen (15) years in Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras (Greece) and his research interests are related to the application of new technologies to the teaching of natural sciences. Last but not least his professional background includes extensive involvement in a number of national and European Programs such as Comenius and Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2.

Olga Stavroulopoulou
Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras

Olga Stavroulopoulou has a degree in Geology and a PhD in Seismology which combines Geology and Computer Programming, from the University of Patras. She teaches Informatics at High School since 1998. She has represented the country twice, as the coach of the Arsakeio School Robotics Team, in the World Robot Olympiad. She has participated with announcements in many scientific conferences. She has written three series of books (computer guides) for school children, which are available in stores.

Emmanouil Petrakis
Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras

1988: Graduated in Physics from the University of Patras.
1993: PhD in Physics from the University of Patras in the field of Fluid Mechanics (More than 30 published papers in scientific journals, more than 500 peer references, reviewer in a scientific journal).
1996-2011: Teacher at Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras.
1998-2010: Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department and the Civil Engineering Department of the Higher Technological Educational Institution of Patras.
2011-2014: Vice Principal at Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras.
2014- : Principal at Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras.
2022- : Science Coordinator of the Philekpaideytiki Etaireia.

Patroula Kafousia
Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras

Patroula Kafousia is an English teacher with a MA degree in Literatures of Modernity: Modernism, Post-Modernism and Post-Colonialism from the University of London, Royal Holloway (2008). She has been teaching English in Greece for almost twenty years in the public and private sector in all levels of education. She has lived in the United Kingdom and the USA where she worked as a tutor. She has been working in the Arsakeia Schools of Patras since 2014. Since then, she has participated in several Erasmus programmes concerned with foreign language teaching, language education, emotional intelligence, Empathy and Interculturality, development of soft skills, EU values and European Citizenship, environmental education, gamification of learning environments etc. She is also the Director of the Arsakeia Tositseia Schools Model United Nations Conference (ATSMUN) and a MUN Advisor.

Dimosthenis Minas

Dimosthenis Minas is a PhD candidate in the Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics from the University of Patras. He graduated from the Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics of the University of Patras (2022). He has worked as software engineer – web developer in the private sector (2021-2022). His current research interests include Human Computer Interaction and Advanced Information Systems.

Marianna Stamati

Marianna Stamati has a degree in Management & Economics, majoring in Business Administration (Marketing – Management). With over 17 years of experience as an administrative staff member in the Educational Content, Methodologies & Technologies Lab (e-Comet Lab) at Hellenic Open University, she was responsible for a variety of tasks related to the coordination, organization, and management of (e-Comet Lab) actions. She was in charge (from 20/05/2011 till 31/03/2023) of the Department of Finance Administrative & Technical Services of the e-COMET lab of Hellenic Open University. Marianna’s professional background includes extensive involvement in a number of European Programs (including Minerva, Socrates/Lingua, LLP – KA3, Erasmus+ KA2, Erasmus+ KA3, CS4HS Google, and Interreg V-A) and National Programs as well, in field of Project Management and Financial Issues.

Michalis Xenos

Professor Michalis Xenos is tenured professor at Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of University of Patras. Before, he worked in Hellenic Open University, where was the founder of the Software Quality Research Group, the Director of the Software Quality Laboratory and the Director of the Internal Quality Assessment Unit. He has participated in over 50 research and development projects in the area of software engineering, software quality, human-computer interaction, and educational technologies. His current research interests include, inter alia, Software Quality, Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Robot Interaction, and Educational Technologies. He has authored or co-authored 8 books and over 180 papers in international journals and conferences, that have received over 2,500 citations (h-index=23, i10-index=48). He has given 4 keynote speeches in International Conferences.

Emilio Giazzi

1993: Graduated in Classics at the Catholic University of Milan

1998: PhD in Medieval History (More than 50 published papers in scientific journals and one published book in the field of medieval Latin manuscript production in Northern Italy)

Foreign Languages: English (B2 level) and Modern Greek (C2 level)

1996-2000: teacher of Italian and Latin in different Scientific Lyceums

From 2001 till today teacher of Italian, Latin and Greek in the Classical Lyceum “Daniele Manin” in Cremona, Nothern Italy; Vice Principal

From 2016 till today: head of the Literature and Classics Department.

From 1999 till today teacher of Latin Grammar and History of the Latin Language at the Catholic University in Brescia.

He has taken part in several international and Erasmus+ projects.t

Paola Bergamaschi

1989: Graduated in foreign Languages and Literature at Ca’ Foscari (Venice)

1993: teacher of German in a Language High School

1993-1998: teacher of English in a technical high school

1999-2006: teacher of English in a vocational school where she was responsible for the European projects

From 2006 till today: teacher of English in the classical and language Lyceum D.Manin in Cremona.

From 2016 to 2021: head of the Language Department.

Languages: English, German and French

She has taken part in several international projects

Daniela Capelli

Graduated in Mathematics at Parma University with an experimental thesis in didactics of mathematics

From 2000 till today Teacher of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics in several Lyceums

From 2003 to 2007 Teacher of Analysis, Physics and Informatics at Cremona Polytechnic

From 2014 till today Teacher of mathematics and Physics at Liceo Manin in Cremona
